Changed the traditional way of reading and print the words on the toast. Encouraging children to read some simple words when they are eating breakfast. It is a funny way for children who do not like reading context to develop a new habit to accept the words.

Problem Statement
The pressure of learning is too heavy and children can't remember the book knowledge quickly and efficiently, thus it will have an enormous effect on their later life. On the other hand, due to the development of science and technology, parents pay more attention to children's physical and mental health development together, breakfast meals is an important part of a whole day. Because many children are not like eating breakfast and then cause malnutrition, so whole day learning efficiency is low.
Above all, in the effect of the whole project finally, I want to achieve, that is the children ate words and remember them. Let them gradually understand the meaning of the article and learn how to read.
If the breakfast can be read for children, and which tastes very delicious, it can not only attract the interest of children but also can let them use the most precious time in the morning to start reading words.
Solution Statement

I created a character as my user which called Bob. His nationality is China, and he lives in Shanghai. He is a 3rd-grade high school student. There is a bunch of pressure from his family and school on him because the University entrance exam is coming soon. He can eat a lot and the only mealtime is the relaxing time for him to take a break. He is not good at memory readings at all. How can I help him to get successful grades on the final examination?

This app uses the elements of toast and designed the toast as a book to achieve the concept of my entire project —— "Eat these words" so that users can understand the functions of this app for the first time, which is more interesting.

Click start to use the app.

There is the catalog, choose a different style of reading, and pick one of the books that you are interested in.

You can check the summary of the book, and then put the book into the up of the app, and the character will have an interaction with you. He will open the machine and let the book which you choose into it.

1.When the toast printer is ready to connect with the app, the screen will start running.
2. Please double-check the book which you chose, and then click the "Continue" icon to do the next step.

3. Choose the chapter of the book and continue to do the next step.

4. Do not touch the screen when it is loading.
5. In case to make the toast more intriguing, you can edit the print information.
6. When you have already done, please be patient to wait. It takes 15 mins to print the words on the toast.