14 weeks project | My contribution: Design Reaserch, Sketch, Product Design, Storyboard, Illustration, SME
Our project will deliver a way to assist diabetics to either understand their skin conditions in order to find appropriate treatment solutions. It combines the app and cute skin patches. It should also help them complete their treatment & to understand that not doing so could lead to their condition becoming worse.
Skin is humans' largest organ.
The average person’s skin covers an area of 2 square meters.
Skin accounts for about 15% of your body weight.
The skin renews itself every 28 days.
Your skin constantly sheds dead cells, about 30,000 to 40,000 cells every minute
Changes in your skin can sometimes signal changes in your overall health.

American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).
Skin is continuously renewing and altering itself in response to endogenous and exogenous stimuli.
Ageing, UV radiation damage and a genetic predisposition.
Healthcare professionals should be aware of the problems that vulnerable skin may cause in patients with wounds.

In the United States, there are 30.3 million people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. At least 1/3 of them are at risk of developing a skin condition.
High glucose levels in the blood impair the ability of our defense cells to fend off infections.
Due to high glucose, the skin tissue contains extra sugar, which is the best time for breeding mold.
The lack of sebaceous glands causes crack skin.

​No compliance to treatment
​Negative emotions
Expensive medical treatment
The topic drug is improperly selected

Initial Problem Statement
People who are aged 45-65 years, diagnosed with diabetes type 2 have the problem that they are at higher risk of developing skin problems such as bacterial infections, diabetes rash, diabetic blisters, diabetic dermopathy, eruptive xanthomatosis, fungal infections, necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum, and skin itching.
If diabetic people don’t take good care of their skin have skin issues well can result in some skin infections or even worse consequences.
In this case, we hypothesize they underestimated the importance of a skincare routine.
Therefore, our solution should deliver skincare methods to help people maintain or improve their skin condition (definitely cannot become worse).
Learning Goals
Day to day experiences
Challenges with managing their skin
Skin care routines overtime (post diagnosis)
Contributing factors for diabetes-related skin infections
Behaviors or attitudes that impede healing
Personal experiences of how diabetes affects their skin
​Feelings and attitudes towards their skin
​Generative Research - Affinity Map

​Generative Research - Insights

Reframe the Problem Statement
Diabetics who mismanage their blood sugar control have the problem that they are at high risk of developing skin problems such as diabetes rash & itchy skin.
Our solution should deliver a way to assist diabetics to either understand their skin conditions in order to find appropriate treatment solutions. It should also help them complete their treatment & to understand that not doing so could lead to their condition becoming worse.

First Prototype

Testing Stimuli - Storyboard

Interview and Feedback

- Add app (more useful for diagnosis)
- Can't wear the patch for 3 weeks (unhygienic)
- Only suitable for the certain illness
Focus Area - Itching
Pre-diabetes symptoms:
Itching is a skin problem that diabetic patients must encounter, so it has a wide range of effects.
The most common skin problems:
Itching can have many causes, such as a yeast infection, dry skin, or poor blood flow.
Itching locations can spread throughout the body:
Itching often appears on the sides of the neck, the armpits, back, hands, legs, and the bottom of the feet.
Can also be delivered to improve treatment efficiency
Can be diagnosed online
Can upload your own image patch


Need to shorten usage time:
If the patch is stuck for a long time, the glue on the patch will have a worse effect on the skin. It can cause skin irritation, itching, and soreness.
The size of the patch needs to be large to protect the itching area:
If you keep scratching while itching, it will make the skin worse.